A downloadable PCSpecsViewer for Windows

PC Specs Viewer (Beta)


Welcome to the beta release of PC Specs Viewer, a simple yet powerful tool designed to display essential information about your PC's hardware and performance. Perfect for gamers, tech enthusiasts, and developers, this application provides a clear overview of your system's specifications, helping you understand your machine better.


- **Comprehensive System Information:** View details about your operating system, processor, memory, graphics card, and more.

- **Easy-to-Use Interface:** Navigate through your system's specs with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

- **Real-Time Data:** Check real-time information such as battery status and processor frequency.

**Why PC Specs Viewer?**

PC Specs Viewer is ideal for anyone who wants a straightforward way to check their PC's specifications. Whether you're troubleshooting, planning upgrades, or just curious, this tool provides the key information you need.

**Beta Release Notice:**

Please note that this is a beta version of PC Specs Viewer. While I've worked hard to ensure its functionality, some features might still be under development, and occasional bugs may occur. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the application.

**Get Involved:**

Download PC Specs Viewer (Beta) now and help us shape its future. Your feedback and suggestions are crucial for enhancing the tool's capabilities and user experience.

**System Requirements:**

- **Operating System:** Windows 7 or higher

- **Processor:** 1 GHz or faster

- **Memory:** 1 GB RAM

- **Graphics:** DirectX 9 compatible

- **Storage:** 50 MB available Storage

This description emphasizes that the application is in beta, invites users to provide feedback, and sets realistic expectations regarding its current state.
Published 23 days ago
Tags2D, beta, specs


PCSecViewer.zip 27 MB

Install instructions

Install Instructions

1. **Download and Install:** Download the application from itch.io and follow the installation instructions.

2. **Extract The Zip:** Extract PC Specs Viewer to immediately start viewing your system's specs.

3. **Explore Your System:** Browse through the various sections to learn more about your PC's hardware.

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